protocol buffer

When compiled using a protocol buffer compiler , the encoders and parsers that are generated use a proprietary efficient serialization format .
From that , the protocol buffer compiler creates a class that implements automatic encoding and parsing of the protocol buffer data with an efficient binary format .
The Simple Implementation Method of Embedded Protocol Stack Buffer Management
The design uses TCP / IP protocol and limited buffer to share MCU on network .
We bring forward a method to receive and send the protocol packets in buffer with high efficiency .
It includes the realization of several popular streaming protocol , data buffer support scheduling , analysis of popular streaming media file format and technology of decoding and re-sampling compressed audio . 3 .
The stress is put on the digital circuit implementation of USB 2.0 Protocol Controller , Buffer Controller and Work Mode Controller . The circuit can operate at both USB high-speed ( 480 Mbps ) and full-speed ( 12 Mbps ) rates .
A new uncontested distributed parallel access protocol , which is called distributed parallel protocol based on buffer status control ( DP-BSCP ) and can provide QoS guarantees for Ad hoc network , is presented by improving the wireless token ring protocol ( WTRP ) .